Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI)


Bloodstream infections associated with the central line are a significant area of concern for healthcare providers, because the infections carry a high mortality rate. Although the number of cases of CLABSI has decreased overall since 2010, HQO’s 2011 Quality Monitor reported 53 new infections per quarter in Ontario.


Infection Control in the Physician’s Office link
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, 2004. Educational guidelines for physicians, detailing best practices on infection control. link

Getting Started Kit: Prevent Central Line Infections pdf
Safer Healthcare Now!, February 2009. This how-to guide for preventing CLABSI is organized into two “bundles”: a central line insertion bundle and a central line maintenance bundle. link

IHI Improvement Map: Central Line Bundle link
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). The IHI Improvement Map is an interactive tool that helps hospital leaders in the United States improve quality outcomes by guiding their improvement efforts.

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