Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs)


According to the Excellent Care for All Act (ECFAA), “In every fiscal year, every health care organization shall develop a quality improvement plan for the next fiscal year and make the quality improvement plan available to the public.” The plan must contain annual performance improvement targets and information about how executive compensation is linked to the achievement of stated targets.


Excellent Care for All Archives link
Ontario Hospital Association (OHA), 2011. A chronological summary of OHA activities related to ECFAA, including past videoconferences. link

Excellent Care for All Act Updates: Quality Improvement Plans link
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, December 2011. Updates to the Act, including what’s new for QIPs in 2012–13 and the materials hospitals must use when submitting their QIPs to Health Quality Ontario. link

General ECFAA Information link
Ontario Hospital Association (OHA), 2010. Updates to ECFAA. link

OHA Education link
Ontario Hospital Association (OHA), 2011. Webcast archives. link

Quality Committees link
Ontario Hospital Association (OHA), December 2010. Updates to ECFAA Regulations. link

Quality Improvement Plans link
Ontario Hospital Association (OHA), December 2011. Questions and answers for 2012/13 QIPs, and regional results from Year 1, 2011/12. link

Quality Improvement Plans link
Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC), December 2011. Guidance materials and submission templates for 2012/13 QIPs. link

Performance-Based Compensation link
Ontario Hospital Association (OHA), March 2011. FAQs, backgrounders and archives. link

Patient Declaration of Values link
Ontario Hospital Association (OHA), November 2010. Guidance documents and a webcast. link

Related Regulatory Changes – Critical Incident Reporting link
Ontario Hospital Association (OHA), December 2010. Amendments to Regulation 965. link

Related Regulatory Changes – Hospital Board Composition link
Ontario Hospital Association (OHA), December 2010. Backgrounder and Amendments to Regulation 965. link


2011 Quality Improvement Plans: An Analysis for Learning pdf
Health Quality Ontario, 2011. This report is a summary analysis of the quality improvement plans submitted by Ontario hospitals for Year 1, 2011-12. link

A Guide to Developing and Assessing a Quality Plan, For Healthcare Organizations link
The Collaborative for Excellence in Healthcare Quality, February 2012. This guide provides practical suggestions to help healthcare organizations develop effective quality improvement plans and reporting mechanisms. link

Leadership Priority Calculator link
Health Quality Ontario, December 2011. This tool helps leaders determine which improvements will have the biggest impact on helping them realize their vision. link

QIP II Example pdf
Health Quality Ontario, 2011. This form includes completed examples for the Safety, Effectiveness and Patient-Centredness aims. link

Quality Improvement Plan Assessment Tool pdf
Health Quality Ontario, November 2011. This tool helps hospitals evaluate their quality improvement plans (QIPs) to see if they contain all the recommended elements for a robust QIP. link

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