A quality health care system is one that provides its citizens with an equitable opportunity to be healthy.
Equity is one of the core dimensions of quality care, along with safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, efficiency and timeliness, and it is a dimension to which Health Quality Ontario pays special attention.
Think globally, act locally: As a slogan for advocacy this phrase has much to recommend it but it is especially relevant to the task of helping to build a health equity strategy for Northern Ontario.
Television shows are not reality…even (perhaps particularly) the reality TV ones.
In reviewing the important findings in the latest Health Quality Ontario report: Health in the North A report on geography and the health of people in Ontario’s two northern regions, one particular show came to mind.
In reviewing the important findings in the latest Health Quality Ontario report: Health in the North A report on geography and the health of people in Ontario’s two northern regions, one particular show came to mind.
Conscious efforts to make care more equitable are happening every day in Ontario’s health system.
Moving from good to excellent in the delivery of quality health care is a journey that will never end – better has no limit.