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Evidence to Improve Care

Insomnia Disorder

Care for Adults

Quality standards are sets of concise statements designed to help health care teams easily and quickly know what care to provide, based on the best evidence.

See below for a summary of the quality standard or download it for more detailed statements.

Download the Quality Standard

Quality Statement 1: Comprehensive Assessment
People suspected of having insomnia disorder receive a comprehensive assessment to inform diagnosis.

Quality Statement 2: Individualized, Person-Centred, Comprehensive Care Plan
People with insomnia disorder, care partners (as appropriate), and clinicians collaborate to develop an individualized, person-centred, comprehensive care plan. They review this plan together regularly.

Quality Statement 3: Management of Insomnia Disorder in People With Comorbidities
People who have insomnia disorder and comorbidities receive timely treatment for their insomnia disorder and any other health conditions as part of a comprehensive care plan.

Quality Statement 4: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia
People with insomnia disorder have timely access to cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia as first-line treatment. Therapy is delivered in a way that best fits the person’s needs and preferences.

Quality Statement 5: Pharmacotherapy
People with insomnia disorder are offered effective medications at the lowest possible dose, for the shortest possible duration, and after an adequate trial of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia. A medication is offered only after a discussion about its benefits and risks.

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