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Quality Improvement

Ontario General Medicine Quality Improvement Network

The General Medicine Quality Improvement Network wordmark

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2024-2027 General Medicine Quality Improvement Campaign

Hospitals are coming together to improve care of adult medicine inpatients with a shared goal of reducing hospital-acquired delirium rates by focussing on appropriate prescribing of sedative-hypnotics for sleep, optimizing the sleep environment and building delirium awareness. To learn more about how teams are reducing delirium rates in the hospital click below.

Learn More

The Ontario General Medicine Quality Improvement Network (GeMQIN) brings general medicine physicians and care teams together to learn new ways to improve patient care and to reduce variation in care.

GeMQIN provides resources to help members implement change initiatives within their hospital division, and the chance to learn from others across the province.

Specifically, it helps members:

  • Use their data to identify opportunities for quality improvement

  • Get ideas and strategies to improve care

  • Be quality improvement leaders in their hospitals

  • Connect with other general internal medicine physicians, hospitalists, and hospital teams

GeMQIN uses data from GEMINI to create practice reports at the individual physician level (MyPractice: General Medicine Report), and the hospital level (OurPractice: General Medicine Report). These personalized, confidential reports inform physicians and hospitals about their clinical care patterns and patient outcomes. Quality indicators focus on length of stay, readmission, in-hospital mortality, advanced imaging, routine bloodwork, and appropriate blood transfusions. Hospital-level reports provide risk-adjusted comparisons for participating hospitals across the network.

For information on joining the General Medicine Quality Improvement Network, please email

Tools and Resources

MyPractice General Medicine Report

Learn more about your practice with a personalized, interactive MyPractice: General Medicine Report, along with suggestions to support you in improving care for your patients.

What’s in the Report?

  • Personalized, confidential practice-level data, so you can see your care patterns and how they relate to the aggregated data of your peers for a number of indicators

  • Practical quality improvement tools and resources to help improve patient outcomes and their quality of care

OurPractice General Medicine Report

Learn more about your hospital’s general medicine practice with this personalized, interactive OurPractice: General Medicine Report, along with suggestions to support you in improving care for your patients. These reports will enable general medicine teams to see their hospital’s clinical care patterns in relation to their anonymized hospital peers within GeMQIN.

What’s in the Report?

  • Risk-adjusted general medicine data for your hospital showing care patterns and how they relate to the aggregated data of other hospitals within GeMQIN for a number of indicators.

  • Practical quality improvement tools and resources to help improve patient outcomes and their quality of care

For more information, please visit the Practice Reports: General Medicine page or contact us at

Community of Practice

The General Medicine Quality Improvement Network Community of Practice hosts monthly calls for members to hear from subject matter experts, share resources, and connect with members.

In addition to monthly calls, the community of practice is on Quorum, an online community dedicated to improving the quality of health care. This group is intended to help network members connect to exchange knowledge and best practices with peers across the province.

Join through Quorum. (You’ll need to register for a Quorum account if you don’t already have one.)


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