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This indicator shows the percentage of home care patients whose primary family or friend caregiver experienced feelings of distress, anger or depression in relation to their caregiving role, or was unable to continue their caregiving activities, in Ontario. The data include only patients who received publicly funded home care for at least 60 days and had at least one unpaid family or friend caregiver. A lower percentage is better.
The data is reported at the provincial or regional level. Your postal code is in the following region.
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The results shown are risk-adjusted. Data source: RAI-HC and interRAI-HC, provided by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). For more information, please visit the Indicator Library.
Download the home care historical data file containing Family or Friend Caregiver Distress data for fiscal years 2018/19 to 2022/23 stratified by region, which during those years was by Local Health Integration Network (LHIN).
Learn how the performance of home care is measured in Ontario
This 2016 report looks at the distress among caregivers of home care patients
Health care and health outcomes data about, and real-life experiences of, people living in Ontario.
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