This practice is intended to encourage Health Links to enable partnerships, and leverage or create practices or processes, that support diversion to appropriate and timely community-based care at the onset or exacerbation of mental health conditions and that support effective transitions from hospital to home (ensuring that the necessary plans and services are in place to best support the patient’s ongoing wellness in the community). This practice includes processes and services that may be offered to the patient upon entry to hospital, during admission or discharge planning, or upon discharge from hospital.
Innovative Practices
Using the Innovative Practices Evaluation Framework, Health Quality Ontario’s Health Links Clinical Reference Group has endorsed the following innovative practice or practices. Please click on the link(s) below to discover the steps for implementation, and to access resources that Health Links have used to successfully implement these practices.
Innovative Practice
Innovative Practice Assessment1
Clinical Reference Group Endorsement for Spread
Implement processes and programs to minimize interrupted or delayed access to services, improving transitions and diverting avoidable hospital visits.
Provincial spread with reassessment using the Innovative Practices Evaluation Framework1 in 1 year (July 2018).
For additional information, please visit the Tools and Resources Tab in the Health Links section of Health Quality Ontario.
Document Links:
1For more information about the Innovative Practices Evaluation Framework assessments, please visit