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Evidence to Improve Care

Single-Exposure, Dual-Energy Subtraction Flat Panel X-Ray Detectors


Draft Recommendation

  • Ontario Health, based on guidance from the Ontario Health Technology Advisory Committee, concludes there is currently insufficient evidence to make a recommendation for or against publicly funding single-exposure, dual-energy subtraction flat panel x-ray detectors.

Read the draft recommendation report

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The public feedback period for this topic has ended. All comments will be considered before a final recommendation is made and posted here. Use the tabs below to learn more about this topic and download supporting draft documents, including the full assessment report.

Conventional radiography (x-ray) is used to generate images of tissues and structures inside the body and can be used to detect pneumonia, pulmonary nodules, and pneumothorax (all of these conditions affect the lungs), as well as to see lines and tubes that may have been placed there during medical procedures. In some clinical situations, the overlap of body structures can obscure certain radiographic findings, making it difficult to detect abnormalities in the x-ray. Single-exposure, dual-energy subtraction (DES) flat panel x-ray detectors produce a conventional x-ray image plus a DES soft tissue x-ray image (an image that removes the bone) and a DES bone x-ray image (an image that removes the soft tissue) to minimize the limitations presented by anatomical overlap.

This health technology assessment looked at the accuracy of single-exposure, DES flat panel x-ray detectors for conditions such as pneumonia, pneumothorax, pulmonary nodules, and for seeing any lines and tubes inside the body. It also evaluated the impact of the use of the device on patient management and clinical outcomes, and on the radiologist’s confidence in the diagnosis. Additionally, this assessment looked at the budget impact of publicly funding single-exposure, DES x-ray detectors and the experiences, preferences, and values of health care providers.

Read the full health technology assessment report for more information.

Single-Exposure, Dual-Energy Subtraction Flat Panel X-Ray Detectors: A Health Technology Assessment
August 2024

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We reviewed evidence on the use of single-exposure, dual-energy subtraction flat panel x-ray detectors. Read the latest draft recommendation and share your feedback.

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Date posted: August 8, 2024
Closing date for public comment: August 29, 2024

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