A recent report shows that opioid-related deaths have increased almost three times between 2003 and 2017 in the province. As the opioids landscape continues to change and as work unfolds to respond to a growing crisis, Dr. Tara Gomes examines the impacts of these changes.
At our next Quality Rounds, Dr. Gomes explores how responses to this crisis have affected people who use opioids. Looking at current approaches to harm reduction, exploring prescribing patterns, and listening to the stories of those experiencing this crisis first-hand, Dr. Gomes highlights the complex ways decisions shift the landscape and some possible ways forward.
Dr. Irfan Dhalla will also join this month to consider the impact of the opioid crisis in clinical settings while outlining what clinicians can do to improve the situation.
When: Wednesday, September 11, 12-1 p.m. (ET)
Opening Remarks: Anna Greenberg, Interim President and CEO, Health Quality Ontario
Dr. Tara Gomes
Principal Investigator at the Ontario Drug Policy Research Network and Scientist at St. Michael’s Hospital and ICES
Dr. Irfan Dhalla
Vice President, Evidence Development and Standards, Health Quality Ontario
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Questions: KTE@hqontario.ca