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Evidence to Improve Care


Daily Mobilization

After surgery, patients with hip fracture are mobilized on a daily basis to increase their functional tolerance.

The goal of postoperative mobilization is to help patients return to their pre-fracture level of functioning as soon as possible. The benefits of early mobilization include decreased length of hospital stay and fewer complications associated with prolonged time spent in bed. Patients should receive assistance with mobilization at least once each day—more often whenever possible—from members of the health care staff, including nurses. Where safe and appropriate, family members or caregivers should also be encouraged to assist with daily mobilization.

For Patients

You should receive help to stand and walk the day after your surgery and every day after that while you’re in the hospital.

For Clinicians

Following surgery, ensure patients with hip fracture are mobilized at least once daily by a member of the health care staff. Where possible, family members or caregivers should be encouraged to assist with mobilization, once your health care team deems it safe and appropriate.

For Health Services

Ensure that the appropriate protocols and human resources are in place to help patients with hip fracture mobilize daily after surgery to progressively increase their functional tolerance.

Process Indicator

Percentage of hip fracture patients who are mobilized at least once daily postoperatively while in hospital

  • Denominator: total number of adults admitted to hospital with a primary diagnosis of fragility hip fracture who undergo surgery for hip fracture

  • Numerator: number of people in the denominator who are mobilized daily postoperatively while in hospital

  • Data source: local data collection


Mobilization involves progression through a continuum of functional activities with the goal of returning the patient to their pre-fracture level of mobility:

  • Sit at bedside

  • Transfer to chair with assistance

  • Transfer to chair independently

  • Walk with assistance

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