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Evidence to Improve Care


Provider Training and Education

People living with dementia and symptoms of agitation or aggression receive care from providers with training and education in the assessment and management of dementia and its behavioural symptoms.

People living with dementia and symptoms of agitation or aggression have complex needs and should receive individualized care by providers with comprehensive training and education in dementia and its behavioural and psychological symptoms. Identification and knowledge of the triggers for behavioural symptoms and the relevant treatment options allow for appropriate treatment and care strategies that meet people’s needs and help reduce the occurrence of symptoms. Training and education materials or programs should be tailored specifically to providers’ roles and responsibilities.

For Patients

You should receive care from a team of health care professionals who have been trained to treat symptoms of agitation and aggression.

For Clinicians

Ensure that you have the training and education required to effectively provide care for people living with dementia and symptoms of agitation and aggression, in accordance with your professional role. This includes identifying and avoiding triggers for behavioural symptoms, and developing strategies for managing these symptoms if they occur.

For Health Services

Ensure health care professionals caring for people living with dementia in hospitals and long-term care homes have training and education in managing dementia and associated behavioural symptoms.

Process Indicator

Percentage of providers who care for people living with dementia who have received training and education in the assessment and management of dementia and its behavioural symptoms

  • Denominator: total number of health care providers who care for people living with dementia

  • Numerator: number of people in the denominator who have received training and education in the assessment and management of dementia and its behavioural symptoms

  • Data source: local data collection

Structural Indicator

Providers who care for people living with dementia have access to staff with training and education in the assessment and management of dementia and its behavioural symptoms

  • Data source: local data collection

Provider training and education

TThese should include at minimum the following skills and information:

  • Comprehensive assessment of people living with dementia

  • Dementia symptoms and disease progression

  • Specific subtypes of dementia

  • Early identification of behavioural risks

  • Appropriate use of pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment options

  • De-escalation strategies for challenging behaviours

  • Communication with patients, residents, and caregivers

  • Coordination of multidisciplinary care

  • Impacts of dementia on patients, caregivers, families, and social networks

  • Ethical and medical legal considerations

  • Detection of and strategies to manage abuse and neglect

  • Palliative care

  • Outreach strategies to connect patients, residents, and caregivers with available resources

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