This practice was highlighted by a number of Health Links during the environmental scan with the Local Health Integration Network (LHINs) and Health Links. It involves proactively contacting the patient at regular intervals to support ongoing patient engagement, promote wellness, and reduce the occurrence of crisis (e.g., medical issues leading to avoidable emergency department visits). It also builds on some of the principles of intensive case management, which is generally accepted as an effective approach to supporting care of patients with complex health and wellness issues.
Innovative Practices
Using the Innovative Practices Evaluation Framework, Health Quality Ontario’s Health Links Clinical Reference Group has endorsed the following innovative practice or practices. Please click on the link(s) below to discover the steps for implementation, and to access resources that Health Links have used to successfully implement these practices.
Innovative Practice
Innovative Practice Assessment*
Clinical Reference Group Endorsement for Spread
Proactively contact patients to promote engagement with coordinated care management while continuing to support self-efficacy
Provincial spread with reassessment using the Innovative Practices Evaluation Framework* in 1 year (April 2018)
Document Links:
*For more information about the Innovative Practices Evaluation Framework assessments, please go to the following link: