Care for Adults
Search below for the quality standard; the guide for patients; slides to help share why the quality standard is needed; quality improvement tools and resources; and performance indicators to help clinicians and organizations track their progress against the standard.
Know what quality care looks like, based on evidence and expert consensus
Patients: know what to ask for in your care
A quick-reference resource for clinicians that summarizes the quality standard and includes links to helpful resources and tools
Quality improvement tools and resources for health care professionals, including an action plan template. For best results, please view the guide on your desktop using Adobe Reader
Share why this standard was created and the data behind it, to get the support you need to put it into practice
See the technical specifications for the indicators within the quality standard, and review the measurement guide for supplementary information to support the data collection and measurement process
We have prepared a summary of the public feedback we received for this quality standard. If you would like a copy of this report, please email us at