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Evidence to Improve Care


Caregiver Training and Education

Caregivers of people living with dementia and symptoms of agitation or aggression have access to comprehensive training and education on dementia and its associated behavioural symptoms. This training and education includes management strategies that are consistent with people’s care plans.

Caregivers of people living with dementia and symptoms of agitation or aggression should be provided with the information and support services required to provide adequate care. In particular, they need to understand how to identify triggers for the person’s behaviours and how to use de-escalation techniques to help manage these behaviours. Understanding how to identify the needs of people living with dementia helps reduce occurrences of agitation or aggression and may also reduce caregiver stress and burden.

For Patients

Support and information should be provided to your family and other people who care for you so they can help you in the best possible way.

For Clinicians

Offer families and caregivers comprehensive training and education programs on dementia and its associated behavioural symptoms.

For Health Services

Ensure that hospitals and long-term care homes are able to offer families and caregivers comprehensive training and education programs on dementia and its associated behavioural symptoms.

Process Indicator

Percentage of caregivers of people living with dementia and symptoms of agitation or aggression who are offered access to comprehensive training and education on dementia and its associated behavioural symptoms

  • Denominator: total number of caregivers of people living with dementia and symptoms of agitation or aggression

  • Numerator: number of people in the denominator who have access to comprehensive training and education on dementia and its associated behavioural symptoms

  • Data source: local data collection

Percentage of caregivers of people living with dementia and symptoms of agitation or aggression who receive comprehensive training and education on dementia and its associated behavioural symptoms

  • Denominator: total number of caregivers of people living with dementia and symptoms of agitation or aggression

  • Numerator: number of people in the denominator who receive comprehensive training and education on dementia and its associated behavioural symptoms

  • Data source: local data collection

Structural Indicator Availability of comprehensive training and education programs on dementia and its associated behavioural symptoms for caregivers

  • Data source: local data collection


These are paid or unpaid people who help a family member, friend, or another person in need of assistance or support with daily living. In the case of a person with dementia, a caregiver may also be the person’s substitute decision-maker.

Caregiver training and education

This should include at minimum the following skills and information:

  • Dementia symptoms and disease progression

  • Prognosis and care plan strategy and monitoring

  • Benefits and risks of pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment options

  • Detection of behavioural risks and de-escalation and management techniques

  • Causes of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia

  • Adaptive communication skills during times of stress

  • Functions of different professionals and health care settings

  • Medical-legal issues

  • Financial and legal planning for the person’s eventual incapacity

  • Advance care planning

  • Disagreement resolution processes for the person’s health care

  • Sources of local support services and groups

  • Sources of financial and legal advice and advocacy

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